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What is a NiceHash profitability calculator?

A Nicehash Profitability Calculator is a tool that allows you to estimate your mining profits on NiceHash. Mining is a term that you probably have heard concerning these currencies. In simple words, it is the process of creating new cryptocurrency coins.

What is the profitability calculator?

The Profitability calculator is a tool that lets you check the potential earnings of your hardware. NiceHash Profitability Calculator - Autodetect your GPU! All the hardware, listed in the profitability calculator has been tested in our labs. During our tests, we use only quality products from recognized manufacturers.

Why is my profitability online different than in NiceHash Miner?

Why is your profitability online different than in NiceHash Miner? Why is your profitability online different than in NiceHash Miner? Please, read this first. If your shown speed is not the same, the profitability cannot be the same, because profitability is calculated according to the reported speed.

Why does profitability fluctuate on the NiceHash hash power marketplace?

Profitability fluctuates all the time because of the buyer's orders on the NiceHash hash power marketplace. If buyers demand more hashing power, the profitability will go up. If there are fewer (or smaller) orders on the marketplace the profitability goes down.

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